Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Things have gotten pretty interesting!

I posted my light bar on an off road forum and a member contacted me to build one for his rail. He was happy with the light bar I built for him so he hired me to build nerf bars for his rail too.

Since then I have been contacted to build a front bumper for a Jeep cherokee and a rear bumper/tire carrier for a Jeep Wrangler.

With all of this going on I decided to buy a plasma cutter. I ordered a Hobart 12ci and it should be here in a few days.

I'll be sure to keep the blog up to date with developments.

Light bar build

I decided to go in a different direction for lights. I don't want the rail to look like every other rail out there so I fabricated a Baja style light bar with Hella lights.

In true overboard fashion I decided to install a linear actuator to adjust the lights on the fly.